I've been thinking lately...
About all the things in this world, in this life...
All the things we do, all the things we see, all the things we say, people we meet, people we hurt, things that we discover, people that discover you; the list goes on.
But I've been thinking; to a certain extend I believe that all these things happen for a reason, I'm confident in saying that.
We may seem and feel like it doesn't and we take things for granted as they phase through our lives, day in and day out as we live each and everyday...
But what's hidden, is all the things we actually learn from all these things.
There and then, or later on down the track, we seem to finally realize all the new things we had actually learnt from that event, that person, that movie, that particular moment.
Often we don't realize what we've really learnt, but sometime down the track you do.
But, what's been bothering me, is that; when we learn these things--and we mostly learn the big and important lessons way later down the track- we seem to have lost contact with the source of where you learnt this from.
You learn something from a particular event, and by the time you realize what you've learnt, you can't seem to go back and re-live it all, to see what else you can learn and take from it.
Much the same with a person.. .. ..
At the time you meet someone, or spend some time with a person, and you live those days as you do normally. However months, maybe years down the line, you soon come to think about allot of things, and you realize how that person back then, had taught you this...but you didn't realize til just now...
and depending on what you learnt and all, you want to either go back in time or see them again now to either thank them, or just simply tell them what you've learnt and how it's moved you or how it made you feel in certain ways.
But sometimes you can't meet them again, because of things that have come between both of you in the time up til now, or they are somewhere else in this world. and it kills you that you can't let them know that they have had some affect on you, to your life that you lead, a part of your everyday philosophy is thanks to them.
But, that's only half of whats been on my mind:
In saying all this, I've also come to think about "HOW" exactly can we know that we can learn something from this particular event, person, place and moment?How?- if we knew, it would make things so much easier to appreciate things and possibly learn a greater deal than you would later on. If we could tell who we could learn from, although you can learn from anyone, if we could know of those that has the ability to change the mind that you carry and update with you at all times; we'd want to hear more about them or from them, what they have to say, what they have to show and offer.
Ever wish that you could go back to do or re-live something with all the knowledge you have now?
You get that feeling when you realize all the things you've learnt and collected here and there, you just wish you could do it all again with what you've recently learnt to appreciate whatever or whoever it was and possibly learn a greater deal than you already have.
I've learnt a lot from many people, so many that I cannot begin to start listing their names, but its everyday that I think about something which takes me back to when I first learnt it from that person or that place, that time. and not a day goes by that don't ever wish I could speak to those people again, visit that place again. So I can expand on what I already know at this point in time. Only to tell them that they have had some impact on me in one way or another.
In saying so, it gets me thinking...not to sound selfish but...
Have I made an impact on anyone? Am I one of those people to anyone who wishes they could see me again? Have I changed any one's mind or perspective on anything at all? Have I done something at all that has made people stop and think for a minute?
I can't begin to imagine all those out there who are constantly teaching something new to everyone everyday. That's what I've been doing recently, people I meet anywhere, I try to leave something with them, for them to think about now or later. I want to leave something behind to people, I want to let them know that someone like me exists here in this world. That I think way outside the box and see a picture from a million angles, make a picture worth 10, 000 words not 1000. To leave a message behind, for people to realize all sorts of things. I try to teach them something that anyone can relate to, and relate and apply to their very own lives in anyway, any circumstances. A universal lesson that can be applied to anyone by all. That is what I am trying to do...
But for now let me just say, it's hard to go on knowing somethings that you try to send across will be unheard, especially to those that may really need to see the deeper thoughts and points I am trying get across to them.
I think we need to see the everyday life, for what it really is... if you understand what I mean by that...
I think we need to make a change within ourselves for others to do the same also, and for all to come to a mutual level, where everything connects! Everything makes sense, everything is anything and what we really make of it.
the weight of the world is only what we make of it,
the empty hearts won't be filled by the beat of it,
the time will tick on no matter what,
and if we could simply connect the final dot,
to see the real picture
and naturally see the fixture
of all that is actually true
and not what we assume of the clues
but we all get there in the end,
to finally see the time spent
on the ones we love, the things we share
even for those that will never really care,
We will still see the awful truth,
maybe not now, but soon we'll come through...