Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Time :-) Again


Christmas Eve.

Good Evening Earth...and beyond.

It has crept up onto us again. Another Christmas eve/Christmas Day.
From memory I had posted another blog post on this day exactly last year. 24th December.
Recently I've had a even more brighter and more powerful energy running through me, forcing me to be much more optimistic than ever before. Being exposed to so many new people with new outlooks, discovering new sides of not only myself but others, the re-discovering of old feelings and locations; all have combined together to bring me to who I am at this exact moment.

I am greatful for all of it.

"tis the season to be jolly.." they say. I agree indeed.

There are millions of people out there, who unfortunately do not see christmas in a positive light; with most having good reason, it is understandable. However. I've come to realize through personal experience of breaking through negative walls recently that; in most cases, whatever has happened in our lives we cannot physically do anything to fix 'what has happened'.
As much as there are billions of people out there who would give anything to turn back time to restore a life, mend a broken heart, cure a disease, revive a life. But we all have to come to terms with the occasional cruel intentions of life and accept the fact that often we cannot do anything.But, what I've learned is that, most often with such problems and issues, there is really no point in being negative and down about it. Thinking about it, dwelling to a certain extent is fine. However, it is crucial to understand that being upset and down about something for too long will not restore everything back to perfection.
Instead, embrace it. Learn from it. Apply it to your own life. KNOW that is has and will make you exactly who YOU are now and later on down the track no matter what decision you make. Accept things, then be greatful for the outcome of yourself later.
Acceptance and Gratitude.

Instead of being down & negative. Be Up & Positive. complete opposite. It's that simple.
Life is bigger than we all think. and so is EVERY SINGLE PERSON.
When you find the right outlook, you'll find that you are bigger than life itself. Embrace it ALL. Be yourself.

For this christmas season, I've learnt and gained ever so much. More New friends, new outlooks, new year, new days. New Everything.
I would like to extent my ever so positive vibe through the spirit of christmas, to every person out there in this world.
Do not take advantage of the people you see or meet during these times, or any time in fact.
Make the most of it, embrace it all. Enjoy your time doing whatever it is you are all doing.
Share all of your compassion and emotions. Be yourself through everything, don't stop smiling. Dont hide any smiles either. Show it all; show who you really are! To friends, family, lovers, the world---Why hide your true self?

Christmas is a time to love. Accept. and love again.

To everybody out there in this world. I wish you a very very merry christmas.
I hope that this special day is full of much joyful memories, spent with many of those you love and cherish.

Be confident. Be yourself. Be Love.

Merry Christmas to you all...

Merry Christmas Earth.

Merry Christmas Universe.
Merry Christmas.


Be sure to spend some time next to your christmas tree...especially when it is time to exchange presents. dont just observe their reactions to gifts. See them truly. :-)
I Hope all of your christmas tree's are looking very sparkly and decorative with tons of presents nestled safely under it :-)

This is what mine looks like at the moment...went with a more 'illuminated' look this year.
*Please disregard my mother lying in the background for some odd reason.

Love you all.

Merry Christmas Everyone.




Thursday, December 2, 2010

Compositional Life of your Embrace

There are always people within you.
People who you met in the past.
People who still are your closest friends.
People who you think you've forgotten.
and even people who you will eventually meet.

It makes us who we are. Everything that we are, makes up everybody else in a sense.
The qualities we possess, we possess because somebody who also possesses it is held within you. and vice versa.

It's an interesting and confusing concept to grasp at first. The many judgments we all make against or for one another are all based on the qualities we all have within ourselves; triggered and brought out by others that also possess it.
When we dislike someone based a particular trait they have, deep down we possess it as well in order for us to clearly identify that same trait.

Everything we are and will be seems to be around us. Everywhere.

As humans, we constantly argue for the virtue of equality and constantly fight for this inner freedom to be who ever and whatever we want. Constantly questioning our own abilities to achieve a goal, questioning and comparing one another's characteristics to establish a balance between them. All of this and much much more when quite possibly everything is already there for us to open our eyes to.
Perhaps 'equality' already exists with the purity and natural state that we are already in, and that we are simply drifting further and further away from it by questioning our own for what we already are or were.
If this were true, then why do we question everything? Why do we have to compare and contrast certain characteristics of ourselves to "find ourselves" and "discover them" when we're already here and already ourselves. Most Naturally.

We slowly but quickly float away from the origin; a "perfect" self from birth into a being that is made up of experience, social surroundings, the environment and this world.

But then there is the other view.
Of how it is very much possible that based on everything that we do, the people we meet, people we've met, people we used to once know, those we used to once love and cherish, those that we still adore; the composition of everything has made you who you are to this present moment. As you read each and every word here within this digital world we label "a computer", we evolve into something more than what we were a few moments ago. Developing on the current knowledge and views we had previously had. It creates us to be broader with our minds, more free with our emotions and much stronger with our hearts.
Embracing everything we have seen, met, felt, heard, smelt and even acknowledging them; we have all become who we are at this present moment. Which is why it is important to embrace and acknowledge every second of everyday to it's fullest. Don't take advantage of it, be greatful for it, give something back with gratitude and express your life to the world that surrounds you to personally know that YOU have done something to create a more positive balance in this human connective world.

A close friend once said to me on this particular day and time; "...but it will never be 1:13 on the 3rd of November 2010 ever again. That's pretty cool."

The thing was, this person was really right; I had thought about this concept a long time ago, but it never really got to me until I was re-told with all the experiences I've had since that time, all of the knowledge and perspective i've gained throughout my years of life, and then to have that re-enter my mind, made alot more sense and opened up new doors for me to think through.

Don't take anything for granted; who really knows how long it will be around. Embrace everything that comes your way, and take it all in. Understand that you are a composition of life, the entire score, and it is up to you to compose your own piece, and fill out the entire score where it fits best; to you. To your score. To your life.

...when you stop to think about this so called "composition of your own life". -Think for a minute if the entire world did the same, the entire world embracing the things around them, everything.
Would that not be a composition of the world itself? Just a thought.. ..

People come and go out of our lives all of the time, whether we realize it or not. They all come and go, some stay, some never enter. But the ones who have entered yours, even for just a little while. Think about all those who didn't enter your life. What would your life's composition look like, sound like, feel like if they did?
With the ones who have; in the same way each to their own special way, embrace them. Acknowledge their existence in this world, much like my friend said about how it will only be a particular date once; same principle applies here. There will only be one of each person. Only one.

Even if they are only in your life for a little while, you have to see it as not forgetting them, but embracing them, and truly understanding that their existence in YOUR life made you who you are now. and your existence to them makes them who they are right now. EVERYONE and EVERYTHING helps to make you who you are at this present moment. And from here on out many more things will happen, and we will continue to grow. Perhaps that is why they say "life never fades..."

Do not let anything go, learn from what lies in the past, embrace it, understand it is a compositional factor of what and who you are at this moment in time.

Embrace. Understand. Love. Live. Feel. Touch. Smell. Hear. Express. Compose. Accept. Learn.

Your life is what you make of it.

A recent quote that I have come to compose is:

"Your life is great, because it is simply yours."

Embrace that.

You have the home field advantage at ALL times.

Live your life to the capacity you feel best fits with your composition of life.

Life is great, even when you don't know what you're meant to be doing.

That is the treasure of life. Your Life. Be love. Be Life. Be You.



Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mother of Mother Earth

Someone once asked me..

"What is the world’s greatest need?"

Despite the technical difficulties I faced after writing this the first time, i had to write it all over again, but I made a promise to answer this question. Although I cannot say that what I say is the correct and only answer, understand that this is only my view of saying "perhaps this is it...".

These days, or any days for that matter; so many things are happening around us as we speak, as every second passes on by. While a tree is planted to provide more nature to the world, across the ocean a village is destroyed in order to gain space to create infrastructure which will later on be used to destroy other villages while more green is planted and returned to the mother earth we solemnly live upon.

This woman, this female that we live on and take for absolute granted; has provided us with truly everything, everything ever so beautiful and spectacular. The green grass, the snowy mountains, the valleys, the blue sky, the blue ocean, the natural organisms within it. A small part of those organisms is us, human beings. Beings that somehow have come to the point that we believe that we 'rule' this planet. I can understand the concept, however we do not understand the other concepts that lie alongside ours. With our morals, with our beliefs, with our knowledge of what is, we label ourselves as the 'supreme beings' of this world; completely ignoring and not knowing the view, the morals, the beliefs and the philosphies of the everything else that coexists with us.

With this logic and mindset, we have come to the point where we are pretty much independent on this world, once again I cannot say this is the case, everything that we do and have done may perhaps be what mother earth and nature has intended. However, something tells me that something has gone wrong along the way.

Say we did make a mistake along the way of our existance, perhaps we did forget to follow something and got lost. What is it? and what can we do to fix it?

Perhaps the answer lies at the very beginning where this all started?

What really is the world's greatest need?

Nobody would know the true answer..
I know for a fact that it is something that cannot be answered overnight, nor over a year but over a very long period of time. Maybe the answer actually lies within the life the world has.

Or, the answer may indeed possibly alters in accordance to the lives that inhabit this place.

Maybe the need of this place changes as events unfold each day by day by day. Considering the things we have done to damage this natural world, we have done almost nothing in order to restore it.

Even with all of the environmentalists working hard to achieve goals of forming big organizations that will clean the planet, or restore all of the green that has been dug up; the process of creating such organizations and initiating plans of action to save the environment causes damage yet again to the world. It really does come down to small things such as how in order for people to attend meetings and events to these environmental gatherings, although they may feel they are changing the world, driving to the venue, taking public transport to it all add up to creating what this world is now; and this is just in terms of pollution. Think of everything else that is around.

The sad part is that, the world is full of people who share a connection with one another about protecting and reviving the world from what it is. But I have to ask, what are we restoring it to?

Noone truly knows how this world looked like exactly, we never will know; we can only predict.

People come up with all sorts of different organizations and plans in order try to make this place a greater place, regardless of all of the horrific wars, battles, greif and anger going on within the same world; there are people always trying to find a new solution to ending it in order to make reviving our mother earth back to it's "original setting". I suppose in a way, we are all trying to find the answer of 'what the world's greatest need' is.

"Life Finds A Way..."

"nature takes it's course..."

Famous words I have heard throughout my life, and I am sure you have too.

I believe it, life does always find a way, in everything. Hence why we are here right now as we are, it naturally happened. There was no syllabus given to us to follow and keep up with, everything that you see, everything that you hear, you feel, you touch, you want, you need..everything has happened in accordance to the 'course of nature'.

The way the wind blows, the way gravity works, the way water reflects an almost perfect image and the way we live as we are now... It's all Nature..all part of how this mother earth functions.

We do everything naturally, much like this world does the same. It stays natural and let's things happen.

Perhaps that is our answer, or the start of the truth.

Recently I saw an image of a woman dressed as 'earth'. Dressed as mother earth with a full globe costume. This image I saw must have been for a rally, or protest. But to me this spoke to me, and when I was asked this question of "What is the world's greatest need?", this image was one of the first things to enter my mind.

After saying we do everything naturally much like the female we are all standing on, maybe this image can be a helpful hint as to discovering the answer to what this world's need is.

Do what we do, be natural.

This image spoke to me with this.

It said to me simply...

"Be the world, be mother earth itself"

By doing this, and trying to initate that practice; we can be natural, we can be everything. We can begin to understand things from a whole new perspective. We shouldn't have to think like humans and try to comprehend what this world needs, when we are the world, when we can be the world ourselves. Personally.

Perhaps the first step into esablishing what the world's greatest need is to simply be ourselves. Simply be nature, be the world, be your own world.

It makes everything so much easier to comprehend once you begin to think of how you can be the world, not be in it.

Why be in something when you can become it.

As much as we are part of it, be your own. There is no rule, no policy that states we cannot create and be our own world.

In regards, to the rest of the answer after this one; if this is one...

maybe we can only discover the rest of it as we slowly unfold the truth, one small fraction at a time. and who knows, perhaps these answers will lead us to the final hours and minutes of the beautiful mother earth. Maybe only then can we uncover the true answer to what the world's greatest need is, perhaps the death of mother earth is the greatest need...

But for now, I don't think that is it. I cannot say that it is absolutley correct but I do know for a fact that it is crucial that we live as who we are personally, individually and we live as our own world. That we simply live our own way, go about everything our way and to simply allow nature to roam throughout your body and flow through your mind, in turn be nature, be mother earth, be yourself, be everything.

Be a part of the world.
Be a child of the universe.
Be the world.
Be the world of the universe.

Be Natural. Be You. Be All.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Embracing the Thoughts of our Thoughts

The actual date this blog should be written is the evening of the 2nd of April 2010.
So I do apologize for not posting this any sooner...

Right now, on the 2nd; I am/was on a plane heading over my home, over an ocean, over the homes of many, above the lives of many, and under the world of plenty flying in the dark to a place called Japan.

Some parts of the way I was loving just writing away at things, and collecting thoughts for times like this when I would be writing about it all...

I noticed this 'Coat Hook' on the back of the passenger's seat in front of me. Started playing around with it; twisting, pulling and turning, watching the words go in a circle. Then I realized that it's actual purpose was to do exactly what it says 'Coat Hook'.
Then it got me thinking as I attempted to hook my sweater on it; how many other people in this world have hung their coats or sweaters or jumpers or shirts on this thing on a plane...this plane....this seat. Moving from the coat hook, started to think about the many lives that sat on this very seat which I am on before me. Started to think about those people and wondered what kind of a life they lead or still leading. And so the thoughts went on, much like the plane that I was currently sitting in, carrying my life, their life, their moments with me.

As the flight kept going on and on and on and after numerous trips around the plane in my socks, I eventually came to sit down, to have a quick nap, and wake up in time for breakfast.
I ate it watching the morning sun of the next day rise above the earth and shine on us, through the small oval shaped windows acting as an alarming ray to open our eyes to wake to a new day.
After breakfast; after having my tray of food taken away I kept the foldaway table down and pressed the button to call for assistance. Waiting for the assistance, I pulled out my ipod, sunnies, writing book, pen and my writing mind; as the flight attendant kindly responded to my call and kindly went to collect my request...Orange Juice.

I lived on this juice for this whole entire morning, requesting refill after refill....I survived and blew right through the time of this morning writing and drinking orange juice as calm music crept through my ears...This is what my foldaway table looked like....

I cannot describe this feeling of, having a peaceful mind in the morning with orange juice, music, writing essentials and the pure rays of natural light but...purely beautiful.

When arriving at my final destination. and after many many hours of traveling; finally reaching the street of where I was staying, I came across a very small shop, on a very tiny but BUSY street of things, which sold purely...and ONLY buttons.
By buttons I mean, actual buttons you seen on most clothing garments... The lady there was kind enough to let me take one happy snapshot of the place.
This is what it looked like...this is only the right-hand side of the shop.

I've always liked these types of attention to detail.
When you walk in there is not a button you cannot find for anything.

If you lose a button, this is the place to go!

Buttons, they're cool.

Returning to the draft of this blog post, I have aimlessly forgotten the original idea for the rest of it.
However, in an attempt to try and rebirth those thoughts, memories and ideas; I flicked through the photo's from this trip to see if I could remember a few things...'

I didn't.

However, I felt a much more richer feeling to write what I thought whilst looking through the pictures of this trip, only months ago.

When you travel, the simple principle of it is that you depart a familiar place of your own personal comfort, to visit another place that is familiar to someone else in this world.
Whether the term 'visit' means that you are going for a holiday or a business meeting, for work or even perhaps pursuing someone you don't want to lose, we always see something new.
When you go places, your close friends will tell you to "see this", or "do that" or even "don't go here". Although some of the places friends say to avoid may be a good decision, and often people do not go to such places that may be of a risky type. A visit to another part of the world is not just made up of the places people have told you see or go, or to take a particular route.
Especially with a holiday, a holiday is only a holiday through what YOU make of it to be.
Every little thing you do, every little you see, smell, hear, feel, touch and even love; you embrace it in your own personal way to make it your holiday.
Even with a business trip; people everyday fly, sail or drive to another part of the world to attend a particular meeting for the good of their firm/company they work for. Although often these businessmen travel, and half the time they are staring into their brief case and flicking through papers for their upcoming presentation, to prepare themselves, to finding the right words to say to earn a new business partnership, all of these small inspirations come from the environment they a surrounded with.
If you think for a minute, when you are sitting down somewhere to think about a particular thought, and you feel like you've hit a blank spot in your mind, we do often find ourselves lifting our heads to look out the window, or look up at the ceiling, gaze around the room or glare at our pet. Even if a thought doesn't come straight away, we seek answers in objects, people and the environment around us; and eventually, things start to click. And then we overlook the subconscious fact that our 'right' answer came from something that was near you, we never stop to thank the environment around us which always gives us inspiration to think, to talk, to feel.

We overlook things.

We say we truly notice the small things, but I don't think we do.
Thinking about the small things that surround us, isn't small enough.
It goes down to thinking about the thoughts of a thought; and thoughts of that.
But it doesn't end there. It keeps going, we will never know where these connections end. We never will.
and it is not about getting to that point; it is more about establishing an understanding of how our own thoughts work, it is more about gaining all of the possibilities and potentials around us.
We are always too busy noticing our own small problems rather than the 'greater smaller things' that make our own personal small problems answered.
If we could just simply notice the world's we visit rather than the world of our own, then these visits would evolve to be more than a holiday, more than a business trip, more than travel.

We take traveling for granted as well. For those that travel frequently, whether it is a holiday or for work. Think of those, that have not had the opportunity to leave their own familiar place to see where the sky connects to, to see where the clouds drift to, to see the billions of other smiles that shine beyond their world across the ocean.
Every time you travel, it is important to have your fun, to enjoy your time. But at the same time, create that fun and enjoyment even more but traveling for those that cannot. Bringing people back gifts and souvenirs is a kind and loving gesture. However, it is even more of a quality gift; that you truly embrace that particular part of the world you have visited as much as you can. To return, to share your experience, to share your business propositions you have made, to share and love your stories and to understand and listen to yourself as you share 'YOUR VISIT' to another life.

Embrace Life. Embrace Soul. Embrace your own thoughts.
Notice the world around you. Take part in the environment that helps you think.
Be part of that environment to help another think.
Embrace Life.

Embrace. Understand. See. Believe.


Saturday, April 24, 2010



A day of silence.
A day of greif.
A day of remembrance.

A day when nations stop and step away from the present world to remember, honour and respect the a world in history.
It is a glorious day to which we truly remember not only the sacrifises of those lost through battle, but also the sacrifises made by those who lived through the war. I believe, if you are breathing through war, you are at war.The sacrifises people have made to have the honour and trust in their family and loved ones to provide them with the faith of the future of a greatful nation.
We do not simply honour and respect those that have past and made sacrifises. We honour and respect those that have lived through to tell the tale of their own. To tell the nation the stories untold, to pass on messages back home to loved ones; messages that could not be reached.

Today is a beautiful day. A day when a nation is silent, a day when everyone wears an iconic red on them. A small red plant known as a 'Poppy'.

Although, single Poppy's are not worn traditionally on ANZAC DAY, but Remembrance Day (Nov 11).It still marks a symbol of respect, honour and remembrance.

Wherever you are today, do not forget the reason why you breathe the fine crisp air you do. Do not forget the clean grass we walk and run on freely. Do not forget the reason why we can still return to a home.
Do not forget the reason why, we are free.

To the lost, alive and forgotten...

We Remember you.
We Remember them.

Lest We Forget.

Please read this poem by Rudyard Kipling. The origin of the phrase 'Lest We Forget'.

Rudyard Kipling

God of our fathers, known of old--
Lord of our far-flung battle line
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine-- Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget - lest we forget!

The tumult and the shouting dies;
The captains and the kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!

Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!

If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe--
Such boasting as the Gentiles use
Or lesser breeds without the law--
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget - lest we forget!

For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard--
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding, calls not Thee to guard--
For frantic boast and foolish word,
Thy mercy on Thy people, Lord!

Lest We Forget

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Painting of a Storm

22 March 2010.

There was a storm today.A nice big one.
This day, 22nd March 2010 started out as quite a warm morning followed by a warm early afternoon, Until. . .

Out of nowhere, clouds painted the sky all grey, and took away the summertime.
Out of nowhere, the sky painted the sky in a way it stole the ray of sunshine away from us.
I personally enjoyed the change, enjoyed the thick grey colour covering over-head.
It was still warm, but the 'light of grey' made it seem cooler.

Tear drops started falling, onto the pavement, onto to roofs of the many cars on the tear-filled roads, into the natural green of the earth, into the ponds and pools of many homes, onto roofs of many houses, with the sound carrying to the ears of those that were down below.

The rare rain brought surprise to many, as what was about to happen they had no clue.
The massive hail storm had arrived. Starting out with quite fine bits of hail falling from the sky, performing small short dances on the ground as it landed, and on the surface of other materials, the car roofs, roads, umbrella's, peoples heads, head of trees, making different noises as they flew into different things, roofs, roads, pools and the list goes on.
As time went on, the hail; the blocks of ice got bigger and bigger. In the main city, people's car windscreens were smashed, others' car roofs were dented all over worrying about insurance, many homes' windows cracked. On top of that, the rain just kept coming and coming, flooding the streets of Perth, even up to a meter or more deep.

The entire storm lasted for quite a while, a few hours to say the least.
All in all, the storm I personally thought was beautiful, the thunder coming down quite hard, although I failed to take a picture at the time; but the storm came right over my roof, my head, and I forced myself out of the house to go take a look. I walked out as the drops fell harder and harder on my shoulder sticking my shirt to my body; I walked out feeling nature's tears, breath and growl through the ground I looked up. Right into the centre of the storm; there was no words to describe it. It may had something to do with the sunlight coming in from above, but the colour was astonishing, beyond belief, as I said I failed to take a picture-I guess I was lost in the 'moment'. However, even a photograph with the highest of technology could not capture that exact 'moment'. Feeling natures own, cant beat it.

What was also beautiful was some positive things that this storm had brought-in a sense.
Despite the people losing fencing, obtaining damage to their cars, their homes, their brand new iPhone nature provided us with a beautiful sky to view as the sun went down today.
Heard a story of how a fence was lost in a home, and two houses were now currently sharing a garden. Indeed a concept of 'privacy', and boundaries however is it not kind of nice in a sense how two homes are kind of joined as one? Everyday people, losing a fence sharing a garden with another family of everyday people...sharing land, sharing boundaries.
If we only knew the background behind both families, and whether or not these two households actually got along. If not, perhaps this calls for a time of unity, nature in it's own way taking it's course perhaps helping the two unite-in a sense. Although this is only assuming that two households haven't gotten along, now assume they were...

These pictures below; I took about 15mins after the last of the rain and thunder had moved away. I walked out to the front of my house with a camera around my neck on the phone to friends confirming their safety. I stood out there watching cars drive by, most of them knowing that this street is a bit of a short cut to get another main highway nearby.
What I thought was beautiful at the time of standing there how, a nasty storm that is beautiful some, dreadful to others, car damaging, home damaging, date ruining storm could just simply float away and un-paint the sky into a canvas of light again. The way the ray of the sun simply reaps through the small cracks of the cloud and reaches the furthest corners of world below.
I think throughout, Perth the thousands of people witnessed Perth at rest, from the powerful damaging storm.
The lovely harmless sky, painted in such a way it showed some that things 'do get brighter'

Eventually from the settling Sun, the sky painted itself in a unique orange, which will leave people talking about the colour for a couple days I'm sure.

These are some 'oranges' I took.
However, I do apologise I could not deliver the same effect, same colour, same feeling you would get as you would see it from where I was with your own eyes...this is the best I could do.

I Thought it was amazing, how after a massive damaging storm, a beautiful sight follows amidst the damage and chaos on the roads it has caused...

Quite Intriguing.

All in all... I do hope that everyone was ok, no injuries.I Hope that those who have attained some damages from this storm, that it is all repairable; and nothing too precious was lost.
Everything will be back to normal soon. Your cars can be repaired. You carpets re-applied, and your houses can be fixed. It will all be a thing the history book soon. and you can eventually say, that your house, your car, your family got through that storm...and look back and see the progress and the path you've taken to get there...

It will all be beautiful again...

It's Nature.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Wearing of the 'Green'. World

17th March.

World Widely known as St. Patrick's Day.
Named after Saint Patrick, commonly known as one of the recognized Patron Saints of Ireland. Originally beginning as a Christian Holiday, and around the 1600's grew to become an official 'Feast Day'.
With the original colour being blue instead of green; however the green started to be worn with green ribbons and shamrocks as early as the 17th Century. With the background of the Christian holiday, it has been said the Saint Patrick used a 3-leafed plant (Shamrock) to clearly explain the Holy trinity to pre-christian Irish. 1798, was a time when an attempt to make a political statement, the soldiers of Ireland had worn full green uniforms on the 17th March in order to attract attention with their bizarre fashion gimmick. Which derives the famous phrase of:

"The Wearing of the Green"
-meaning to wear a shamrock on one's clothing, derives from the song "The wearing of the green".

It's important to know what public holidays mean; before going out to show your enthusiasm of a public holiday of missing a day off work or to find an excuse to drink. Majority of people do not know the true meaning behind the 17th March of St Patrick's Day.

17th March, this day is not only a day of a political movement of the 17th Century.
Because, on the 17th March 1985. My only sibling sister was born.
This day also marks the day that the life journey of my sister had begun. As well as many other people who share the same birthday as my sister.

It is a special day for many people, a worldwide known holiday as well as birthdays, wedding days, engagement days and even days of loss for some unfortunately.
We must learn not to forget those whose life is affected in someway each and every day of our lives. Celebrate a birthday, respect and honour a lost one.
Live the day for everyone, live each day for someone in this world, real or spiritual. To make this world much more amazing that it already is.

We wear their lives and respect on our shoulders...

So to all of the people out there in this world; planet Earth.

Have a very safe and happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to my ever most beautiful sister who has always been there and will always be the best sister a boy could ask for. and all of those that share this special day as the beginning of their 'Life's Journey'.

And may those live another day longer than the ones who have left this world to be in a nicer place.

I share my compassion and love out to you all.

Enjoy the Day!

Make it Yours.



Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Moment Connection

-Timing a Moment. . .

The world never seems to stop for anyone person, or any-one-thing for that matter.
It just simply rolls along as everything else around it fall into place...someway, somehow.

Even with certain things we all share everyday of our lives; the thing which sometimes makes us feel that it lasts forever in a both positive and negative way, the thing which gives us feelings such as hope, strength, joy and even vanity or humiliation.

We call these things 'moments'. . .

I said that the world never stops for anyone person or any-one-thing.
However, those moments that seem to last that little bit longer than you think it should, to either make your day or perhaps even ruin it. Even though THE world moves on, what about your world?
The world YOU are in, not what other people see, but what YOU as an individual sees.
Does your own personal world clock not stop at certain times in your life that makes you feel that everything has appeared to stop for you, those times when everyone may be looking right at you.
What about those times...

Dictionaries all over state/define the word "moment" differently;

- "a particular point in time"
- "an indefinitely short time"
- "here and now: at this time"

Is it just me, or do all three of the above definitions say and mean a different thing??

"a particular point in time" says to me a moment is about a time-based mind concept where somewhere on the fine detailed timeline of life; one specific 'point in time' is to be defined as a moment. Which to me explores the 'particular moment in time' not only globally but also astronomically as well.

"an indefinitely short time"....this was a definition that had me stop and think. While looking at many other definitions this was one of the only ones, which used the word 'indefinitely' to help describe and define the meaning of the word 'moment'.
by my understandings and other definitions of the word "indefinitely" says:

-"An unknown amount of time"
-"For a long time, no end defined; Forever"

With this meaning in the definition of "moment" tells me and possibly many others out there, that a 'moment' is something that occurs 'forever'...

"Here and now: at this time". People say; that this definition is the same as the first....
The word 'Here' is defined in many places and resources as:

"the present location; this place"
"to this place"
"in this circumstance or respect or on this point or detail"

..and such.

"Here and now: at this time" tells me that a moment is something that occurs in one particular location. To one person, a specific event may be a moment and is defined as a moment in their eyes as it happens right there "here and now: at this time".

This is true, however, the first definition will be close to my understanding of what a 'moment' is.

I like to see things as a whole. For what they really are.
I've had moments when they feel like they last for a long time. However I've noticed how, in that space of time that I have to myself, whether it be a special moment with someone, or a particular moment during a game or even a moment where you have a big long thought to yourself.
At that exact time, something else is happening around you; not just in that vicinity but the whole entire world, the universe.
The other day I stood outside the front of my house with my guitar strapped to me; I played for a few things, then stopped and looked around.
I strummed a chord and observed...
In the time it took to strum the chord on my guitar, and the pure sound resonating out to the street; I noticed a white 4wd drive very fast around a round-a-bout, a pair of women walking their terrier and golden retriever across the road, a boy throwing a Frisbee to his brother on the school grounds close to the women with the dogs, two pigeons flew in a funny pattern and landing on the electric wire above and I noticed the plastic bottle rolled onto the side of the road as the sound of the chord on my guitar diminished.

These may not be great happenings, but they are things that happened in a "particular moment", in the space of one strummed chord on a guitar, in one small area; then I tried to imagine what had happened all over the world in that same time. What happens to every chord that I strummed, will it bring happiness some places around the world, or will it bring only more deceit? If that is the case, should I strum another or leave it?
In that 'moment' many things would have happened throughout the entire world.
Wouldn't it be interesting if people could organise something to take a photo of different location, but right at the same exact moment in time, to see what was happening elsewhere in one particular moment?

I did some research and came across something.
On a Friday; 22nd August 2008. a group of participants who were in the Arab region shot a single photo at exactly 2:22 Lebanon Local time. (the number 22 was selected as it represented the number of countries in the Arab States.
The results were quite interesting, and had the sponsor of the project 'Sowar Magazine' publish and dedicate a magazine on it.

If you have the time, which everybody does. Take a look. Please.
Everybody has time to stop in their lives to notice the world. . .
It can be viewed here at :

From what I hear about people and their moments, is good and bad at the same time. People talk about a special moment with someone, when at the same they had that moment, somewhere across the ocean in a whole new society someone has lost a home, or loved one that they could have had a moment with. Perhaps are moments are what they are and we notice them as a particular event because it's different from every other second or minute of the day?
I think not, every second and every minute of the day is a moment, not just for someone or something somewhere in the universe, but for everyone as well. Something happens every second of our lives. But no one takes the time to notice, nobody will stop in their lives to realize the many things we take for granted each day by day, and each minute by minute. The loved ones that always there, the family that always care, the homes that we sleep comfortably under, the money we spend on many worthless stuff that could really be used for something elsewhere to make another persons' negative moment into a positive and memorable one.

In a single moment the world can live
In a single moment the world can give.

Today is a new day,
tomorrow will just show you the way,

to a whole new dimension if you believe,
in the all the possibilities that you can achieve.

Don't stop lurking,
but don't keep moving

because the world around,
is in need to be found.

Stop your life here and there
to discover a life that is so bare,

in money, health and love
only thing to keep them going,

is to keep looking at the skies above.

Practice Love, practice compassion.
Share it all and in a new fashion!

Practice Gratitude. and the reward you gain, is more than the world.
