Christmas Eve.
Good Evening Earth...and beyond.
It has crept up onto us again. Another Christmas eve/Christmas Day.
From memory I had posted another blog post on this day exactly last year. 24th December.
Recently I've had a even more brighter and more powerful energy running through me, forcing me to be much more optimistic than ever before. Being exposed to so many new people with new outlooks, discovering new sides of not only myself but others, the re-discovering of old feelings and locations; all have combined together to bring me to who I am at this exact moment.
I am greatful for all of it.
"tis the season to be jolly.." they say. I agree indeed.
There are millions of people out there, who unfortunately do not see christmas in a positive light; with most having good reason, it is understandable. However. I've come to realize through personal experience of breaking through negative walls recently that; in most cases, whatever has happened in our lives we cannot physically do anything to fix 'what has happened'.
As much as there are billions of people out there who would give anything to turn back time to restore a life, mend a broken heart, cure a disease, revive a life. But we all have to come to terms with the occasional cruel intentions of life and accept the fact that often we cannot do anything.But, what I've learned is that, most often with such problems and issues, there is really no point in being negative and down about it. Thinking about it, dwelling to a certain extent is fine. However, it is crucial to understand that being upset and down about something for too long will not restore everything back to perfection.
Instead, embrace it. Learn from it. Apply it to your own life. KNOW that is has and will make you exactly who YOU are now and later on down the track no matter what decision you make. Accept things, then be greatful for the outcome of yourself later.
Acceptance and Gratitude.
Instead of being down & negative. Be Up & Positive. complete opposite. It's that simple.
Life is bigger than we all think. and so is EVERY SINGLE PERSON.
When you find the right outlook, you'll find that you are bigger than life itself. Embrace it ALL. Be yourself.
For this christmas season, I've learnt and gained ever so much. More New friends, new outlooks, new year, new days. New Everything.
I would like to extent my ever so positive vibe through the spirit of christmas, to every person out there in this world.
Do not take advantage of the people you see or meet during these times, or any time in fact.
Make the most of it, embrace it all. Enjoy your time doing whatever it is you are all doing.
Share all of your compassion and emotions. Be yourself through everything, don't stop smiling. Dont hide any smiles either. Show it all; show who you really are! To friends, family, lovers, the world---Why hide your true self?
Christmas is a time to love. Accept. and love again.
To everybody out there in this world. I wish you a very very merry christmas.
I hope that this special day is full of much joyful memories, spent with many of those you love and cherish.
Be confident. Be yourself. Be Love.
Merry Christmas to you all...
Merry Christmas Earth.
Merry Christmas Universe.
Merry Christmas.
Be sure to spend some time next to your christmas tree...especially when it is time to exchange presents. dont just observe their reactions to gifts. See them truly. :-)
I Hope all of your christmas tree's are looking very sparkly and decorative with tons of presents nestled safely under it :-)
This is what mine looks like at the moment...went with a more 'illuminated' look this year.

Love you all.
Merry Christmas Everyone.
Are you being serious? honestly, what's with the sidebar covered in pics of you posing? maybe you should try being real and write something a little less contrived.
ReplyDeletePs. It's "grateful", not "greatful"
Thanks, I'll fix the spelling in a minute :-)
ReplyDeleteI don't however, understand how you think this is so "contrived" as you say, nothing about what I write is artificial, manipulated or recreated in any way. I simply express my thoughts at a given time onto a blank page then click 'post'. It may be the fact that I think on a completely different level to you, and you to me. But i do appreciate your honesty and contribution towards what I have given a small fraction of my time to.
This is what I write, my thoughts, my philosophies, my mind. I write it all to simply express myself, and for those that do read it, have a slight insight to the way I think, the way I see things. That's all :-)
If you cannot see that, its ok. nothing wrong with expressing your thoughts to me, as I do here on this blogpage.
Once again, thankyou for your thoughts :-) much appreciated.
Stay cool, stay safe, Be happy, always :-)
I just wanted to take a minute to highlight something you mentioned that really struck me, which from life experience I believe to be true. That is, all too often we cannot mend what is broken, we cannot regain what is lost, and we cannot grasp what is unreachable. Therefore one cannot add a single hour to their life by worrying, or regretting. By time spent in anxious thoughts or helplessness. I appreciate your inclusion that we are not to avoid these incidents, or ignore that they exist. As that would be both difficult and untrue, rather we should embrace and learn from all things. To also be grateful for what we do have! Your posts are real and always thought provoking. Always keep writing!