Someone once asked me..
"What is the world’s greatest need?"
Despite the technical difficulties I faced after writing this the first time, i had to write it all over again, but I made a promise to answer this question. Although I cannot say that what I say is the correct and only answer, understand that this is only my view of saying "perhaps this is it...".
These days, or any days for that matter; so many things are happening around us as we speak, as every second passes on by. While a tree is planted to provide more nature to the world, across the ocean a village is destroyed in order to gain space to create infrastructure which will later on be used to destroy other villages while more green is planted and returned to the mother earth we solemnly live upon.
This woman, this female that we live on and take for absolute granted; has provided us with truly everything, everything ever so beautiful and spectacular. The green grass, the snowy mountains, the valleys, the blue sky, the blue ocean, the natural organisms within it. A small part of those organisms is us, human beings. Beings that somehow have come to the point that we believe that we 'rule' this planet. I can understand the concept, however we do not understand the other concepts that lie alongside ours. With our morals, with our beliefs, with our knowledge of what is, we label ourselves as the 'supreme beings' of this world; completely ignoring and not knowing the view, the morals, the beliefs and the philosphies of the everything else that coexists with us.
With this logic and mindset, we have come to the point where we are pretty much independent on this world, once again I cannot say this is the case, everything that we do and have done may perhaps be what mother earth and nature has intended. However, something tells me that something has gone wrong along the way.
Say we did make a mistake along the way of our existance, perhaps we did forget to follow something and got lost. What is it? and what can we do to fix it?
Perhaps the answer lies at the very beginning where this all started?
What really is the world's greatest need?
Nobody would know the true answer..
I know for a fact that it is something that cannot be answered overnight, nor over a year but over a very long period of time. Maybe the answer actually lies within the life the world has.
Or, the answer may indeed possibly alters in accordance to the lives that inhabit this place.
Maybe the need of this place changes as events unfold each day by day by day. Considering the things we have done to damage this natural world, we have done almost nothing in order to restore it.
Even with all of the environmentalists working hard to achieve goals of forming big organizations that will clean the planet, or restore all of the green that has been dug up; the process of creating such organizations and initiating plans of action to save the environment causes damage yet again to the world. It really does come down to small things such as how in order for people to attend meetings and events to these environmental gatherings, although they may feel they are changing the world, driving to the venue, taking public transport to it all add up to creating what this world is now; and this is just in terms of pollution. Think of everything else that is around.
The sad part is that, the world is full of people who share a connection with one another about protecting and reviving the world from what it is. But I have to ask, what are we restoring it to?
Noone truly knows how this world looked like exactly, we never will know; we can only predict.
People come up with all sorts of different organizations and plans in order try to make this place a greater place, regardless of all of the horrific wars, battles, greif and anger going on within the same world; there are people always trying to find a new solution to ending it in order to make reviving our mother earth back to it's "original setting". I suppose in a way, we are all trying to find the answer of 'what the world's greatest need' is.
"Life Finds A Way..."
"nature takes it's course..."
Famous words I have heard throughout my life, and I am sure you have too.
I believe it, life does always find a way, in everything. Hence why we are here right now as we are, it naturally happened. There was no syllabus given to us to follow and keep up with, everything that you see, everything that you hear, you feel, you touch, you want, you need..everything has happened in accordance to the 'course of nature'.
The way the wind blows, the way gravity works, the way water reflects an almost perfect image and the way we live as we are now... It's all Nature..all part of how this mother earth functions.
We do everything naturally, much like this world does the same. It stays natural and let's things happen.
Perhaps that is our answer, or the start of the truth.
Recently I saw an image of a woman dressed as 'earth'. Dressed as mother earth with a full globe costume. This image I saw must have been for a rally, or protest. But to me this spoke to me, and when I was asked this question of "What is the world's greatest need?", this image was one of the first things to enter my mind.
After saying we do everything naturally much like the female we are all standing on, maybe this image can be a helpful hint as to discovering the answer to what this world's need is.
Do what we do, be natural.
This image spoke to me with this.
It said to me simply...
"Be the world, be mother earth itself"
By doing this, and trying to initate that practice; we can be natural, we can be everything. We can begin to understand things from a whole new perspective. We shouldn't have to think like humans and try to comprehend what this world needs, when we are the world, when we can be the world ourselves. Personally.
Perhaps the first step into esablishing what the world's greatest need is to simply be ourselves. Simply be nature, be the world, be your own world.
It makes everything so much easier to comprehend once you begin to think of how you can be the world, not be in it.
Why be in something when you can become it.
As much as we are part of it, be your own. There is no rule, no policy that states we cannot create and be our own world.
In regards, to the rest of the answer after this one; if this is one...
maybe we can only discover the rest of it as we slowly unfold the truth, one small fraction at a time. and who knows, perhaps these answers will lead us to the final hours and minutes of the beautiful mother earth. Maybe only then can we uncover the true answer to what the world's greatest need is, perhaps the death of mother earth is the greatest need...
But for now, I don't think that is it. I cannot say that it is absolutley correct but I do know for a fact that it is crucial that we live as who we are personally, individually and we live as our own world. That we simply live our own way, go about everything our way and to simply allow nature to roam throughout your body and flow through your mind, in turn be nature, be mother earth, be yourself, be everything.
Be a part of the world.
Be a child of the universe.
Be the world.
Be the world of the universe.
Be Natural. Be You. Be All.