There was a storm today.A nice big one.
This day, 22nd March 2010 started out as quite a warm morning followed by a warm early afternoon, Until. . .
Out of nowhere, clouds painted the sky all grey, and took away the summertime.
Out of nowhere, the sky painted the sky in a way it stole the ray of sunshine away from us.
I personally enjoyed the change, enjoyed the thick grey colour covering over-head.
It was still warm, but the 'light of grey' made it seem cooler.
Tear drops started falling, onto the pavement, onto to roofs of the many cars on the tear-filled roads, into the natural green of the earth, into the ponds and pools of many homes, onto roofs of many houses, with the sound carrying to the ears of those that were down below.

The rare rain brought surprise to many, as what was about to happen they had no clue.
The massive hail storm had arrived. Starting out with quite fine bits of hail falling from the sky, performing small short dances on the ground as it landed, and on the surface of other materials, the car roofs, roads, umbrella's, peoples heads, head of trees, making different noises as they flew into different things, roofs, roads, pools and the list goes on.
As time went on, the hail; the blocks of ice got bigger and bigger. In the main city, people's car windscreens were smashed, others' car roofs were dented all over worrying about insurance, many homes' windows cracked. On top of that, the rain just kept coming and coming, flooding the streets of Perth, even up to a meter or more deep.
The entire storm lasted for quite a while, a few hours to say the least.
All in all, the storm I personally thought was beautiful, the thunder coming down quite hard, although I failed to take a picture at the time; but the storm came right over my roof, my head, and I forced myself out of the house to go take a look. I walked out as the drops fell harder and harder on my shoulder sticking my shirt to my body; I walked out feeling nature's tears, breath and growl through the ground I looked up. Right into the centre of the storm; there was no words to describe it. It may had something to do with the sunlight coming in from above, but the colour was astonishing, beyond belief, as I said I failed to take a picture-I guess I was lost in the 'moment'. However, even a photograph with the highest of technology could not capture that exact 'moment'. Feeling natures own, cant beat it.
What was also beautiful was some positive things that this storm had brought-in a sense.
Despite the people losing fencing, obtaining damage to their cars, their homes, their brand new iPhone nature provided us with a beautiful sky to view as the sun went down today.
Heard a story of how a fence was lost in a home, and two houses were now currently sharing a garden. Indeed a concept of 'privacy', and boundaries however is it not kind of nice in a sense how two homes are kind of joined as one? Everyday people, losing a fence sharing a garden with another family of everyday people...sharing land, sharing boundaries.
If we only knew the background behind both families, and whether or not these two households actually got along. If not, perhaps this calls for a time of unity, nature in it's own way taking it's course perhaps helping the two unite-in a sense. Although this is only assuming that two households haven't gotten along, now assume they were...
These pictures below; I took about 15mins after the last of the rain and thunder had moved away. I walked out to the front of my house with a camera around my neck on the phone to friends confirming their safety. I stood out there watching cars drive by, most of them knowing that this street is a bit of a short cut to get another main highway nearby.

What I thought was beautiful at the time of standing there how, a nasty storm that is beautiful some, dreadful to others, car damaging, home damaging, date ruining storm could just simply float away and un-paint the sky into a canvas of light again. The way the ray of the sun simply reaps through the small cracks of the cloud and reaches the furthest corners of world below.
I think throughout, Perth the thousands of people witnessed Perth at rest, from the powerful damaging storm.
The lovely harmless sky, painted in such a way it showed some that things 'do get brighter'
Eventually from the settling Sun, the sky painted itself in a unique orange, which will leave people talking about the colour for a couple days I'm sure.
These are some 'oranges' I took.
However, I do apologise I could not deliver the same effect, same colour, same feeling you would get as you would see it from where I was with your own eyes...this is the best I could do.
I Thought it was amazing, how after a massive damaging storm, a beautiful sight follows amidst the damage and chaos on the roads it has caused...
Quite Intriguing.

All in all... I do hope that everyone was ok, no injuries.I Hope that those who have attained some damages from this storm, that it is all repairable; and nothing too precious was lost.
Everything will be back to normal soon. Your cars can be repaired. You carpets re-applied, and your houses can be fixed. It will all be a thing the history book soon. and you can eventually say, that your house, your car, your family got through that storm...and look back and see the progress and the path you've taken to get there...
It will all be beautiful again...
It's Nature.