Monday, November 2, 2009

Appreciation of Timeless Gratitude

I`ve been talking to alot of people these days,about both big and small things. It`s really nice to hear and visualise so many different perspectives on so many different aspects of this world. After listening to so many people about all sorts of different things; I`ve noticed that my own perspective has changed on certain aspects.

I find it really amazing how one person, is capable of influencing another. How even if you already are a fairly deep thinker, you talk to a few people, and what they say can change the way you see something, or perhaps even make you learn something and/or make you think more about things that you overlook in everyday life.

In my experience, recently I spoke to a close friend of mine, who sat down with me and one other friend for lunch, and out of the blue brought up this aspect saying:

"..When you help someone, or do something good. What do you get in return?"

For a moment, I stopped to think about it...
It got me thinking.Made me stop to think back about things I`ve done for people and tried to think about what it was that I got in return, or had I really got anything back. My friend kept explaining his view on this about how even if it's something small, what it actually was that we get in return.
It was interesting to hear the what I had said, about how the things we receive in return for simply showing a small bit of compassion.
The fact that you or anyone can take a small fraction of their day, their lives to stop and help one other/s life to make their day that much better. Depending on the way you can help them, or the quality of your assistance can stay with them for a period of time, either for the day or even longer to create a long term effect for them.
The practice of the virtue "Gratitude" seems to stay with many people for a long time.
As a human being,we all tend to be selfish in our own way. At the end of the day it is amazing how one person`s actions of those such as gratitude and compassion has the power to stick with people and they later associate it with many other events and aspects in their lives. The fact that someone, another human being takes time in their own busy crazy world to stop and to notice them on such a level that it makes them obtain that "special" feeling that makes them feel that they are being noticed in this busy world even for a small fraction of time.
At this time, my other friend had mentioned the concept of appreciation. Once helping someone, and they turn around to thankyou. The simple "words" of `thankyou` can also bring great joy as a form of appreciation as part of getting something back for helping someone in their lives.@
Doing something thats within your own good nature, brings in return a much more bigger quality of an appreciation. You see in many movies, someone always goes on in their day without being noticed by anyone, and then drops all of the files this person is carrying around all over the floor as noone ever bothers to notice what has happened and just keeps moving on in their day. Until one day whilst this person is on the floor scrumidging through the files to collect them back up, they notice an extra pair of hands almost immitating them. They pause to look at who it is, and they get that warm feeling about how for once, they have been noticed in this world. Even if it is for a breif moment, it still is a form of time.
It`s important that we do not take advantage of time, Every second, everyday, every moment; something is happening, to either someone or something and that particular moment of time may be the most important for someone else somewhere in this world.
Refering to this concept and perspective of time, at anyone time whilst you may relaxed sitting on your couch at home complaining your remote isn`t working for the television, across the seas someone is going through a facinating moment of being introduced to a new member of their family chain; or perhaps in a negative way at that exact time someone is fighting for their life not only in the cold corridors of hosptials where so many lives are being fought to breathe the earths air for just that little bit longer, but also in a war. Sitting there doing nothing hitting your remote in a safe environment where nothing else could go wrong and thinking about what you`re going to have for dinner, have way across the globe from you is someone or a group of people fighting for their lives in a heavy war, staying awake almost 24-7 in order to stay alive for just one more day and try to return safely back home to their families who are in a constant state of worrying about whether or not their child will eve return dead or alive. They fight these hideous battles for the freedom and comfort of the rest of the world, everday they are at risk of having their lives taken away from them, their families ripped apart and their lives with one less person to join them at the dinner table. Yet amongst all this, we do not ever hear them, or hear about them complaining about what they are doing. Their perspective on what they are doing and their objective is much broader than ours that do not fight. They know that what they do everyday not on their own soil, can bring them a much greater form of appreciation in return for what they have given.
We live each day as it comes and most days hope that tomorrow will be a perfect day; o in some cases you may want one particular day, or moment in time to last forever. But in the end, it all comes with a price.
Perhaps, you may not receive a giant bouquet of roses for your assistance and help to another, but the enormous quality of appreciation is there. If only we could see how certain people felt at the time when you help them; then we`d all understand this rather overlooked perspective.

My answer to my friend was that; the fact that you may not receive visble gifts in return for helping one person, but the greater form of gratitude can be given to you as a form of appreciation and saying "Thankyou". Not only that but for some people, they may not see that, as for they get satisfaction from helping others in this world, and not asking for anything in return; just only for their time to allow them to offer the hand of help. The concept of gratitude and compassion are very important aspects of virtues that are considerably overlooke in this everyday world.

So; if you read this and understand even one thing about what I have mentioned, then my part is done for now. If you can understand these words and have made you stop to think even for the slightest moment in your time of life, then I can simply ask no more. I express my gratitude to you all for your time and understanding.
Practice Gratitude!!!

Wake up each day,
and wake up again that very same day,

to truly see the life of today,
and not miss what the world has to say.

Know who you are,
know where you're going,

Stay true to yourself,
and show yourself

to all the people of the world
Don't hide away, show yourself,

don't let time stop you from anything
time will not stop for you to keep up

Do the opposite,
Be Strong,

Do What you think is right,
Make time keep up with you,

Move ahead, move forward,
to achieve what we are supposed to be. . .

All in oneday,because
tomorrow is a whole new day. . .
